Making Travel better

Voyager Unknown

We connect travelers to the people, places, and experiences that make good trips better.

An information marketplace

Better Travel

We're building a platform for content creators to connect their audiences directly with the places they love.

Our Case Study

Paris in my Pocket

Connecting the world's most visited city with those visitors in a way that improves everyone's experience.

Our Founders

Jay Swanson

Jay Swanson is a travel creator, writer, and has been developing the foundational ideas to Voyager Unknown for a decade.

Our Founders

Jeff Beltran

Jeff brings a decade of programming and development expertise to Voyager Unknown.

A Bright Future

London and Beyond

Paris is our home base and testing ground. Our aim is the success of all our customers, both travelers and service providers, and our hope is to bring more creators into that success as the world opens up to us.

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Are you a travel creator or curious investor? Submit your email address and we'll be in touch with updates on the expansion of the platform and any investment opportunities as they arrive.


We'll let you know when early access is available!